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Oct 2018
I wrote myself a note yesterday;
as a sort of… reminder.
but not my usual, trivial note.
I scribbled it absent-mindedly.
When I read over it:
it was like I stepped on a small stone…
a quick, sharp pain

It was not like:
“empty the bin” or
“do homework”

This reminder came as a
soul-shattering question,
the type your heart runs
away from
and your tears…
your tears are drawn to it.

I read it – over and over –
and felt my burn.
It burnt like something
was being engraved onto it…
a reminder

And it bled.
god, how it bled.
of blood leaves with
of me.
Emptying what is already empty


leaving behind
the reminder.

I strained my eyes
to read over the words burnt
onto my skin as a slave would have:

Are you happy?
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