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Oct 2018
I wept
for the abandoned child
imprisoned by years of neglect
until I found myself
cradled in the arms of forgiveness

Tender-eyed she gazed upon me
with endless compassion
and gently, unconditionally
weaved her love inside of
my locomotive mind

Ten thousand tremors subside
into a sea of blissful consciousness
My body surrenders its anguish
and I abide in the grace
of self acceptance

I weep
as my soul emerges
like first light on a snow capped peak
highlighting the clouds of oppression,
illuminating the beauty of my existence
10/10/18. I can finally see my value after a lifetime of living with the effects of childhood trauma. Let the light continue to shine. <3 #grateful
Melissa Rose
Written by
Melissa Rose  48/F/Canada
         A M, ---, Walter W Hoelbling, Rose, Crow and 5 others
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