A letter to an older me This life is like an open sea Everyone is trying to stay afloat You have to man your own boat
Out here, it's really cold It is every man for himself They will say they love you but really they don't You have to believe in yourself
In God only, you should put your trust Keep your spirit elated Keep your mind motivated Keep your heart clean towards all men
Trust me, the sea will get stormy Keep your eyes on God Almighty Surround yourself with good company Men and women with positive energy
Always follow your heart It sure knows the path You would make some mistakes Learn as much as you can
Wisdom is a principal thing, get it Expect less from people but be willing to help Be full of gratitude, show it every time u can Don't keep grudges, forgive but keep the lessons in your hands
Be positive at all times Tough times don't last, tough people do Don't worry, I believe in you If I have more information, I'll send it to you