Who could love someone Who beats themselves up Who can be friends with A shadow of themselves Who is capable to see Right through my walls Why would anyone be Friends with a weakling A person who can't take The hurt but only brings It to her character her Heart that breaks every time Who could love someone who's Broken every time she looks Strong but in her eyes She is not she is a shadow Who can be friends with Someone who is now A weak person not strong Towards herself but strong To others in her friend group Who knows the truth behind Her smile behind her laughter Who takes the time to get To know her even if She is tainted with hatred Hatred of herself being Vulnerable to people Who can see through My walls that I'm not Fine that I'm falling apart Who can see through my White lies to protect myself Who sees the reason To be friends with me A shadow of my former self Why would anyone be friends With a too sensitive deep person I am only strong enough to Be the person you want