Life is full of a thousand varying scales Love and Hate Anger and Joy Happiness and Sadness There must be balance to keep the peace
For some reason however, One of your scales seem to be offset Love is outweighing hate by far too much It’s taking a toll on your soul You’ve become tired and insecure From all your love overflowing from your scale As it floods onto those who are heavy with hate
It’s okay to be angry and unforgiving It’s okay to be sad and admit hatred They come on par with healing For without being able to know these feelings You will drown in the in between You are far too wonderful to sink below the pressure
Spare your scales and be honest with your heart If you weren’t meant to feel both the heaviness and lightness You wouldn’t have had a heart Feel the anger, hatred, and sadness So that you may receive the love, happiness, and joy Without the consequence of an unbalanced scale