Then I looked to my right, again. The meandering wind, and the tall branches were still there. So was the gloomy sky. And her. Tranquil as it was, I felt a bit of panic setting in, There was always a bit of unsettledness about something so peaceful. As if it will be taken away any instance now, showing me once again That stability is temporary. Solitude is temporary. And solace, Is temporary.
And I looked on, scared to turn to my left Because the moment I turn away, everything will vanish. This moment will pass. And I will forget. For that is its beauty. Soon, all this will just be freckles in my memory. A shadow of the moment that is in front of me. When I remember her smile, will I be able to remember how it made me feel? If I do, will I be able to remember her grace? And if that too, her aura?
See. I told you. There is a bit of danger in all things beautiful.
I looked to my left. Should I die now, I'll have regrets.