If I showed you all my dark secrets would you still be interested in me? If I opened up my past to you would you run and hide? Because if you will I don't want to tell you all the things I keep inside. So if you think you won't run then keep on reading If you really want to know me then let me show you the dark side of me
Like this There was one point of my life Just last year I wanted to die and no one would believe me because I look so happy all the time But it's surely not the truth I was almost hospitalized for wanting to not be alive Because a teacher saw that I was sad Took me to guidance and asked if I thought my life was bad Yes Yes, I do. "Do you hurt yourself?" Yes I had to pull up my sleeves and show her How convenient it was that I was sad the night before and cut up my arms to the point you couldn't see much skin anymore All you could see was red lines I'm sorry the images have to play in your mind They told me I needed therapy But I never went I was almost locked away for being in pain But I wasn't I tried killing myself just a couple months before that No one will ever know I promise you I'm okay now I've healed a lot and I'm not in very much pain anymore I know it's a very dark thing to hide and trust me, I'm not proud
And there's this the reason I don't actually have a phone I tell everyone it's because I just don't want one but that's not the truth I talked to strangers online and told them I wanted to run away and I told of my hurt and pain Yes, I told a lot of personal things to people I didn't know I admit, that was stupid. But I guess I have to let it show Thinking back on this I have to say, I'm ashamed and embarrassed I lost the trust of my parents and that's why I can't have a phone But I've changed I don't do that anymore the way I used to and now I may get a phone for my birthday
I failed a class and I know that doesn't sound too bad but it is to me Because I was always a good student and got good grades But my mind was in a bad place and I couldn't focus on the important tasks at hand So now, I have to take 9th grade history again. But I'm doing okay.
Those things are the ones that stand out most to me My dark secrets I'm not proud How could I be? I ruined my life over and over. And now I'm scared these will be the reasons you won't like me