I am me, how can I be any other than me when God created me from his own image and likeness.
Love yourself deeply you have only you who really cares what you feel.
We wake every morning not really thinking how the day will go.
We do pretty much the same thing, keeping our routine doing what must comes next.
Thoughts of bad things never enter our minds, we are busy doing our every day work and chores, sometimes not a thought entering our minds just going about our business.
I am me and must try not to take things for granted because the minute we lose our awareness in life something will throw us for a loop that will awaken us to the fullest.
I am me, I will always be me, alert thankful for being me, a child of my Heavenly Father in Heaven.
(You are you, love you, be kind give Thanks to God for what you have, it can be taken away from us at any minute.))