My dear friends Go on and enjoy yourselves Slumber the morn away! It seems early on Saturdays I've always far to much to attempt to convey
While my few kind heart-ed followers Tend to sleep their mornings hours Peacefully in and out of REM While I'm at the computer rhyming again...
It's late You passed your chance for early waking Hell you miss out on a great early baking! And now it's far past time for eggs and bacon The munches, as you can guess Have all been forsaken
And what did you achieve With extra sleep Morning dreams of distorted thoughts Poetic themes now subconsciously lost?
I know, I know You made wonderful love the night before And you need your beauty rest I read your writing, I get it you are so blessed!!!!
I went to bed alone and played With the thoughts of someone wanting me I wish my poems could reflect But all they do is bleed
How I envy all my followers If I offend Give me a holler You've been hanging out late With a habits to itch We all have a role to play UnfortunatelyΒ Β By the time you get around to reading this I'll either be asleep Or on my way! .....