I step into the cold night and watch my breath dance on the stars. A brief polka on Venus, and a slow jig on Mars. Cupping my paws to my face, I feel the heat of the dance Its all over my nose and weaves through my hands I dance, oh i dance in the snow round' my feet till my toes hit the grass and my feet feel the heat
the heat grows and the dance speeds not just a little, but in bounds in bounds it proceeds! My veins stop their flow just to witness this show and this makes my heart throb little to, and little fro.
I keep dancing you see, though the night through the streets. With my breath in the stars and the blocks on repeat.
the dance rages in my brain, it's a party it's insane. I begin to lose my mind, engulfed in the dance and all of a sudden I'm at her door, this can't be by chance.
Then the dance stops and my feet hold their ground I'm alone in the night, left and right. There's no one around. Just me and my breath, which is staggered and small I laugh a nervous laugh, it sounds more like a bawl What am i doing?! I see my hand raise to chest height, and i hear the dancing again boom, bing, pow! into the night
I knock three times, matching the bump bump of my heart and this dance of life proceeds to slowly rip me apart. I turn around to take one last look at the night it's beautiful it's wonderful it's an eye's delight It's a dance in the sky, so vivid and starry Then the door opens up, and my minds blank