The dying hero said To his wife and his beloved children "I obliged you not to follow the same path I took."
With those words, His daughter inquired, "Father, how come not if it was a beautiful path with those roses and dandelions, showered by a blazing yellow hot sun glittered with cotton candy sky and a bouquet of trees and a choir of angelical wind?"
The hero stared blanky at his daughter His heart gasped a beat and mouthed the words, "Singsong the truth without coated sugar, the world needs the intellectuals with skills and talents, neccessary for humanity to survive, be a doctor who cures the sick, be an engineer who builds be a lawyer, be a farmer or a fisher, anything will do but not the one I am."
"They are nothing without words, They are nothing but robots, without the tune of the tongue, without the ink of the heart, the world for them is all but rigid, round but pointed, with air but not breathing. Words can **** but words can also heal." The girl paused, then stand. "Father can crack the caramel paint and reveals of what's the truth, I am who I am and I am what father can do."
It was midnight. The hero died. A dead man and a dead will. His deed still lives in pages, and in the veins of his female kid. A rebel daughter was born. Her words were nothing for an empty soil. A dead will and a dead man. He wrote poems.