When theres's somebofy that really matters And a gap of silence does in reality really exist One wonders as he did what could be the reason Not knowing as conversations not been kissed
There is a young girl from next door And he idolized her for friendship true She is made so welcome in the home But conversation from her he never knew
He was told oh she is just shy that is why And she always talked to all others around He'd gone out of his way to help her out often But try as he may no conversation to be found
Just twenty three years old a collage student He'd spoke to her so many a time gone by Beautiful in so very a way but night or day Talk to any but he and they said she was shy
He'd never ever done said anything wrong But conversation it with he never was at all He felt that when she was there he'd leave Go to his office staying until someone to call
He felt that maybe she didn't like him but She'd smile say hello then that ended there Rather than have her feel awkward he'd go As he was a good and kind soul to be fair
Always happy was she laughing talking too But never after hello no conversation was to be This worried him as he liked her calling in But that was it and it worried him so sincerely
He came to the conclusion not to talk to her Thinking that would have her feel at home She was a happy soul he with values of old However not able at all to find a reason alone
It was not a matter of life nor death but sad Oh she's just shy thats why it was often said So when she came he'd leave the room again Go up to his computer or if not up to his bed
He was an inteligent person of knowledge He'd traveled often the entire world in time Met so many people of greatest knowledge But with this girl never any conversation fine
I guess there was no reason she had to like him Or talk to him at all in any way on any day He liked her he guessed she just never liked him So he gave her space and accepted it as is anyway
But there was never any explanation or any reaso That he himself could think of in all honesty And sometimes wonder if he'd said something That was wrong or missunderstood it could be
She'd lay back on the lounge watch T V laughing But he often simply put the entire thing from mind However there was no explanation for this to be At least none that he of this situationcould find
Oh she's just shy thats the reason why often said But it was to him a situation in life rather grim Feeling out of place within his own home the case So much he'd with consideration gave this up to win