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Sep 2018
by Evan W.

Love is a gentle hand to hold on to when the way is less traveled and you’re covered in cuts
It shows a way with Light and Joy, in a world so Dark and Depressed.

Love sounds like a gentle song played on a piano, by the heart of one to another
A beautiful song to cleanse your soul of darkness so you may carry on in a world so cruel.

Love looks like a Dream so close yet so far, to wonder if you could ever attain it
A Dream you must be determined to hold, far more precious than any gold.

Love remembers those left behind by the world, they who cry in darkness, left to rot.
It remembers them and returns to show them the way out of darkest crypt and coldest cave.

Love is a memory of a time when you had someone to walk the path with, to steady your hand when you twitched, and to pull you from the edge. A memory some never received.
Made in school
Written by
Evan  18/M/NC
     Eric W and Lizzie
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