I am thinking this-- bouncing tipsy on pool floaty at my daughter's new home in 'burbs of Philly Sipping wine on a pool floaty thinking this--
Sipping wine in odd peace on a pool floaty cool and soft, the water Cicadas scour the air
...Knowing it's not true....
I had watched them from my porch leaving – since the day they came They – and the robins too, headed south now tumbling in their groups that garble time that sketch horizon with a maze of staggered lines Watching geese-- their backs and wings gleam in golden V across the sunset
They are honking as they rise, raucous from river in their flight My daughters do the same Migrating south from Scranton waving, honking til their cars have turned the corner out of sight
...on a pool floaty fully clothed I watch them drenched in the darkening sky tasting salty streams
Intoxicating sounds their laughter their voices-- How I love....
cicada droning in the lush of background green
I will keep this moment clutched to me all I have of them between these moments
I live between moments of nothing and everything
This week at my daughter's new home-- hottest day of the year. We hung out in the pool for several hours, enjoying.