As I slept, I dreamed I was falling, Violently hurdling towards the earth, Increasing... Increasing... My back deployed, I started to decrease from falling, and was beginning to glide.
I glided into a forest, Filled with the most wonderful, Fruits Vegetables Trees Animals speaking in tongues
I then was confronted by a man in a woven cloth, He stabbed me in the collar bone in a most benevolent way!
He smeared my blood on my forehead and condemned me to feel the pain of his ancestors for my kind had made him suffer I promised to him that I would take everything all of it, I would give it back to his people one day, We wept under the tree's He spoke to me, Told me that I was the true white buffalo, and that the others were just imposters, that gave a bad name to the term,
I looked all around me, At this point in time knew that the fruit was not for me and my people, That its roots and stalks were on the same soil that the natives were buried under! We are not supposed to be here! I will leave when I have my chance. and now I weep for every passing plant and tree every spirit of the earth that has faced our destruction. Genocide Destruction Inhabiting Manifesting Corrupting Lifelessly moving along the horizon in search of nothing but finding.