It’s the morning after the last heart session Eyes open but brain still crackling with static and white noise When I try it again Hoping to get pen to paper Before consciousness can recover sufficiently to intervene And proffer pretty syntax to the poem Hold the mind blank And stack the words in rows of green growth Like garden beds That only need time and attention to bear fruit Let truth come from some other place Than reason or left brain Or the extensive vocabulary Meticulously indexed in the cranial cavity Somewhere near the brain stem Or maybe in the DNA As C, T, G, and A Storing data like binary only twice as complex The recall mechanism operating in the darkness of our comprehension Apprehension of its failure threatening to leave the poem unfinished Unillustrated Uncalibrated Un-fact checked Like that matters somehow Like the facts are important in art Like the right brain has no sense of propriety Just as surely as the heart tells lies in gibberish A chattering maelstrom of syllables in a cyclonic vacuum And yet somehow the heart speaks with perfect clarity Uncluttered rhythm Timing and flow So you know there is more going on here than we fully understand Lend a hand to help decipher the intentions of a part of yourself wayward from the rest of you Leading to a collapse of the ego And a blurring of the lines between you and I Turning discrete data into continuous On the fly On the run Under sun and and moon and sky Until the day that even death fails to be discrete Or even an event any more important than a fire Converting energy from one form to another