For awhile I blamed my brain, and I tried all manner of things to adjust its delicate balance of neuroelectrochemical readiness; But I learned to recognize less is more. Nevertheless, My experiences left me with a strange ache in my soul and a passion that keeps me asking questions
about existence, and whether I will return to the compounds I once cherished. Whether I am well enough or simply brave enough. Whether I will be content to study the things I love without holding them in my skull. Why should the psychedelic renaissance be restricted to the sciences, Why should it be distanced from the humanities?
We need a fair psychology of hallucinogenesis; we deserve a better philosophy of psychedelia, and of psychoactivity.
Is it too much to ask; does this dream of mine make you laugh? What about when I write that the downfall of philosophy is its disdain of poetry, and that the failures of science stem from its inability to reconcile with the humanities. Emotion and reason can only listen to each other when they are on level. Mind is not in the head, the soul is ecological