What a name! what a joy! To have her called by Mrs yours, What a beauty! to load over a a man, Nayanoi is the name, brought up by a mother who is embedded to tradition, It carries all fame and this is not a game but another ingredient to tame monstrous heart union.
There is indeed touching love after perennial failures, Rejection over rejections builts emotion-shielded heart, It kills dangerous emotions,it destroys barbarians.
Such is life, don't you know, Nayanoi demonstrated the saying, Marrying a man not for money but love, I have came to admire the Maa community, They don't fake around they are what they are.
Unlike ******* who are really cheap indoors, But fear displaying it in full glare of our cameras Nayanoi won my heart, As a true African woman, She is the wife of my kinsman.
Am not lusting for her, she deserve all the earthly praises, A woman sired and raised perfectly, She wears all the smiles in her face, Knowing she is a beauty queen and not a braggart.