Like a zombie stuck at the heart of the industry I feel unmeasurable guilt They all look to me for safety and comfort I love and talk to them more than I do with those of my own kind Yet I’m the one who sees them to their demise When I look into their eyes I feel the calm innocent souls within They love me And I love them I’ll scratch all the places you can’t reach I’ll help you up when you’re down Ill fix your feet when they’re not fit for walking I’ll take away your respiratory problem when you are ill I will always help my dear girls But my heart it stops and skips when you’re sent away I lose sleep at night thinking of the horror you all face in the end Torn from your mother’s then your own offspring torn from you Your milk is their gold And then when you’re too old A cattle ****, truck, shocked then killed I hope your souls go to where the birds fly, high and free And that if you could look back on me The one who wishes he could just set you all free Please forgive me You’re all friends to me I just slave for the man with all the money Only so I can make sure your lives are filled with less misery.