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Nov 2012
You who've found love, I hope that you see,
The creative power of its majesty,
And do seek not by the power of Love,
To change once a hawk, into a dove.
Love's power is, the Pow'r above all,
To give response, To answer this call:

"Write stories large of thy life on earth;
Passing those on through giving of birth.
Birth ye a child, or birth ye a song,
The power of Love is thy chance to live on.
Antagonized by hate and Apathy,
The sin is letting these define ye."

This, the command received from on high,
A creator's demand: Go forth, multiply.
Multiply Love, multiply Trust
Multiply Joy in all of us.
Given to answer our quest for our why.
The Creator's answer: my love, multiply.
Ross J Porter
Written by
Ross J Porter  Owosso, Michigan, US
(Owosso, Michigan, US)   
   Hilda, Jaymi Swift and Anon C
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