Starry night Stars in sight Beneath the moon light Eyes watery with forlorn sadness Mirrors in the water The small lake before me Not quite still My sad eyes The key to my soul I'm looking deep into them What cause this pain That has burried itself inside of me Lowered head my brown hair curtains my face It makes it a bit easier to look at my reflection But whenever I dare the look I feel angry I hit the water with all my might! But the water simply sloshes Then settles back into is not quite still state I feel like screaming But I don't understand what's wrong I only know that I feel disgusted with myself I just wish that I could wash it all away Wash away the pain the regret My mistakes my flaws My tears My blood I just want to restart A new beginning But my story has yet to end I stand before the lake And glance at the sky Before I step into the cool water And before I know it I'm summerged I scream everything out Until I run out of air I kick to the surface And take a deep breath My throat already felt sore But I could still feel the nagging anger So I summerged myselfr again And scream Scream raw Angry Hurt Ugly Stupid Not enough So I scream more Scream worthless Failure I scream until I choke I scream until I begin to cry Until I'm lifeless I just lay thee out of energy On the bank Of the lake Beneath the moon And her starry eyes I lay there and I just wish It were all different That I was better That I was more