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Aug 2018
Why was I drawn to that gypsy's tent  
When the carnival came to town?  
"Your fortune for one dollar," she cried,  
Soon she wore my resistance down  

After staring at my hand a while  
She announced with a worried sigh:  
"You're a woman wrapped in loneliness,  
Lonely until the day you die!"  

She tried to offer a kindly smile,  
But I sensed pity and sorrow;  
Did she think I took her seriously?  
No one can foretell tomorrow  

Now I look at that same hand today  
And recall her words -  how they sting!    
This abandoned hand that no one holds,  
My finger, wearing no man's ring

But it was a time of hope and dreams  
When the gypsy first read my palm;  
How did she know, I now ask myself,
Sitting alone in twilight's calm  

Lips that kissed mine uttered promises  
They never intended to keep;  
And a heart that pledged its faithfulness
Sank to deeds that were dark and deep  
Just what did the gypsy see that day  
While she sadly gazed at my hand?  
Why did she not tell me all my dreams
Would be built upon shifting sand!

So long ago she read Fate's decree,
Truth I can no longer deny:
I'm a woman wrapped in loneliness,
Lonely ..... until the day I die
Lorraine Colon
Written by
Lorraine Colon  Missouri
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