From whips and chains To whips and chains, Earned by pigmentation. Suffered through tribulation Caused by the need for ******* Lead to the names of elders confusion The game of deception Lead to liberation.
A work for works sake, Where all currency we make Is born for the government to take. A cycle of earnings and yearnings Where earnings go to learnings, And learnings go to younglings, Younglings go to work, And from work they live to buy things And from these things come the taxings Of all things to come. With housing comes heating where water is needed. These things to provide for the one to be marrying, And a child she may be carrying which leads to more taxing, And when this child grows and they don't need your waxing So begins your pension and time for relaxing. Living without fear of receiving the axing,
And your wrinkles now potent define all your moods You may wish you had done what little other men could, Stand tall where some other pioneer may have once stood, But instead around the stump no room for a branch, Locked in by the cycle Left to pedal with no brakes.