It matters not who you are where from Each entity has and is a soul things to say What it sees from where its standing Upon any given night and any given day
Each soul has a voice and every poem too Is what it wishes us to experience knowing From wanting us to gather information Happiness sadness Love from winds blowing
We make it harder for our souls thinking That we controll our fate destiny and way Instead of listening to our souls own voice And what it has us for us to explore any day
Be it love in all forms from lust to simple care And it gets angry with us ignoring its request We often give ourselves advice its our ignorance Not having been there yet not knowing of its test
Convincing ourselves we know when we do not Telling others of our own ideas how it should be Reasons why we should listen to it act upon it Have bodies minds hearts sail that unsailed sea
It comes to us with a thought a wish a need And we decide oh no thats not for me and so We miss its requests for us to find out first Before speaking for it not allowing do it go
Think of all many advise without knowing Of things we have never known but insist Of things situations emotions never learned Feelings we feel not me but still never kissed
Saving ourselves religious fantasy from equals Listening to endless advice from pretenders Who never have been there but know it all Without lives putting lives through blenders
Ignoring our own souls requests playing god Our souls get angry adding karma to awake Then us blaming others life others unknowing When its ourselves to blame our own mistake
Walk those paths never walked befor then advise Know more of things we ridicule often true Know what a situation feels like first of all They might be way better than we ever knew
Endless reason there are for allowing our souls To request us to do as it wants us to do Then after we experience pass its tests We might like dislike love admire of them true
Many reasons are there for its voice being poetry Try to read others writes between lines that be Think deep then write of how you imagine was If not known then go sail that unknown sea