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Aug 2018
Everything is routine now. You get lost going through the motions. You wake up, you brush your teeth, you drive to work. You find yourself seeking temporary solace in the mundane moments. Your daily coffee. A customers compliment. A coworkers joke. You answer emails and engage in at least a few brief human interactions. You sit in traffic, you make dinner, you shower. You do some household chores and you maybe get to indulge in a tv show. You most likely have a vice but it is probably losing its allure by now. You maybe get a vacation once a year. Is this just adulthood or is this the rat race of life? How can I maximize my happiness? Where is all the joy? Where are my flashback β€œmovie moments”?
Melinda Barrett
Written by
Melinda Barrett  Ft. Lauderdale
(Ft. Lauderdale)   
     yellowsouls, M, ---, kaycog, --- and 3 others
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