The cigarette I had afterwards Felt better than every time we had *** combined
Basically, I'd rather get cancer
If having *** was getting ****** I was drowning in it But somehow you're okay with me ramming my **** into your skull And this letter will be the mindfuck
Let me extrapolate So extra! pull those sheets off the bed late at night because you made a ******* mess again And I don't enjoy laying in wet sheets
Because having to hold your head out of the toilet when you threw up from partying like a Highschool sophomore got old pretty ****** quick
And having to be the answer to every problem you had trying to tell you how to fix it on your own Was like handing you a loaded pistol, helping you aim at the target, And then watching you shoot yourself in the foot
If sitcoms were ****** tunes And you were still too simple to get it That'd be my favorite ******* show
Until it bursts through the tv screen and moves all its baggage into the room where my writing desk used to be
I can't wait to beat the *** of the love child you thought we had Shake and wake it up Tell him the tooth fairy doesn't exist And no matter how much **** she talks That he will walk away with less money in the end And all it will take is a fleshy hole to remind him of her
Your sugar daddy has a cavity And before I replace it with a tooth wrapped up in a gold ring I'm pulling you out I guess you'll know what it feels like now?
Because for every time you made an excuse I ran around in circles to made sure you were happy And when I got to the end of the marathon You made me take you by the hand and walk to buy you ice cream
“Daddy” is not for grown ups So don't act like it was serious All you did was child's play You wanted me to be a single father who ****** his daughter's brains out every night And bought her toys whenever she wanted