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Aug 2018
come, come with me
on this backward path
of shattered mirrors
and sidewalk cracks

walk, walk with me
and listen to the sounds
of the wondering birds
and things the wind found

dance, dance with me
at a bashment of bashful bows
wild twists, sylph-like twirls,
and elegant falls

lay, lay with me
in a passage of dreamt things.
i will place my heart
in your palm and try, try to breathe

breathe, breathe with me
can you not let me go?
melt away the malarkey with silence and
cure the angry thoughts with “i don’t know”

speak, speak with me
confabulate, but don’t ask what i feel
for i’d be reticent, or worse,
pre-occupied from thoughts by what’s real

meet, meet with me
can you find me halfway
in a field of resplendence
at the end of the day?

run, run with me
get you wild (like untamed flowers)
make you leave
(he’s a forest fire)

fall, fall with me
Wonderland doesn’t hurt if there’s two
when the Queen of Hearts sees ours
she won’t even conceptualize what to do

sink, sink with me
when i’m drifting, drowning, and there’s nothing left
but promise me you’d swim to shore
if it was between loss and loss of breath

leave, leave with me
and shall the world pull you away
in my heart, I’ll keep the pieces
of the promise that you would stay

scream, scream with me
tell the air and the dirt and the weeds
what is dry, what is broken, what is hurt
what you need

hold on, hold on with me
to memories and tales of the trees
of climbing limbs
and freedom in little things

stay, stay with me
in this bleeding, beating, of hearts
don’t get too close, but
don’t go too far

trust, trust with me
though it's complicated
and whims take the garden signs
and try to repaint them

pray, pray with me
see, the petals scattered to the breeze,
are not a concise coincidence
but the story of an averred belief

grow, grow with me
i hope that love will show us how
it starts as a seed, then a bud
then a vow

dream, dream with me
of crepuscular magic and roses in June
droplets are constellations
and irises the moon

feel, feel with me
in your embrace i seek shelter
hands like daisies in my hair
feet intertwined, we're ivy, but better

wonder, here with me
we don’t know what we’ll find
but if you keep me safe, dear one,
i’ll keep you wild.
Written by
Peppyraindrop  19/F/Wonderland
     Semicolon, --- and Ansley
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