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Jul 2018
Seducing you away from me.
Stealing what our future could be.
I try so hard, but I just can't compete.
When you'll do anything for your whiskey.

I can dress really **** and fix my hair.
I can do my makeup and put on heels, my highest pair.
But when you start sweating and your hands are shaking,
She's calling to you, and only she can stop your aching.

You'll make excuses and tell me lies.
To have her near, right by your side.
She's your mistress in a bottle, she tastes so sweet.
It doesn't matter what I do, with her you'll always cheat.
Leisa Battaglia
Written by
Leisa Battaglia  44/F/Louisiana
         Shaun Yee, Leo Janowick, Tanya, Johnny Noiπ, --- and 22 others
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