Did I notice little birds early in the morning, Flying and hopping, chirping and tweeting.. Different families of birds chirping.. Brown, yellow chested, black with long tail and orange beak, house sparrow too, Hens and ****'s crow too... All are busy talking Do they ever listen too?? As a child I remember,
I Came back from school and twittered about my day, Each evening my family sat around each other, And all had to speak at once, None of us there were listeners.. So what one could hear was lots of twitterati.. My mom just said hmm and hmm.. Never really heard my endless stories..
My brother was gem... He always heard.. Don't know how much.. Though Each sentence of mine ended on .. Is it not bro?... And yes said he always..!
From those carefree twittering to this day, Life has moved so much.. Life always moves, one always grow, From constant chatter to a deep silence.
And so
I wonder do birds ever become silent.. From Cuckoo to Wisdomed Owl From experienced Eagle to the chirping house sparrow.. Do they too grow silent when old?? The early morning chirping, Is it from young birds?? Are the old one just saying hmmm Are they listening ? Or are they talking? Ever wondered what happens in birds world?? Though nothing much changed now in my house..
We still speak at the same time We hardly have ear for other's stories.. But now we don't speak our heart out.. We are not those chirping type anymore,
We speak about our performance, We speak about our achievement We speak about the praises we receive.. We give our Wisdom, We give our advice..
But we hardly speak about ourselves..
Sometimes, I still long to be that child again.. Twittering my tongue constantly.. Till my mother yells "Shhh! keep quiet" And my brother says.. I am listening.. you say..!!! Alas, life moves on, life always make one grow..