hot pavement on bare feet scraped knees and bruised shins sunburnt shoulders and a never fading smile
what i would give to be a child again to not know of all the bad in the world to know just the old lady next door and my best friend who lived across the street
what i would give to have my rose-colored glasses returned to me my biggest fear, my best friend not wanting to play with me or the monster hiding under the bed spending days in the front yard reading far too many books writing way too many stories
what i would give to not know what a broken heart felt like to never have wished for my own death to have never spent nights on the cold bathroom floor to still think i was worth the world to not for a moment, become the person i never wanted to be
what i would give to take back my innocence to take back that never fading smile for my worst hurt to be falling and scraping my knee
take me back to hot pavement and bare feet sun kissed hair and bruised knees