I thought that I knew you well. I guess not because look at the lies that you tell. I don't know who you are. Heck do you?
You walk around smiling as if you are so kind an innocent. When you are gushing over with your sneaky ways..and the lies. Life would be so much easier if you were honest and upfront.
You say one thing to me and another to them. It all comes back. You pretend to be lost an confused.
The worst part is that you act as if it's everyone's fault but yours. A man owns up to his words an actions. A man wants to be seen. He doesn't hide behind accessories. Be who you really are. Introduce yourself to the world. Because all they know about you right now..is that you. are... The Lie.
Sometime you just can't take people serious. Don't stress what you can't change. -Frances Lillian Bynum