The dying rays of the sun Reaching up to kiss its pink tinged clouded lovers Blue powdered sky dancing behind Stealing its breath And unknowingly Stealing mine Sweeping my heart away With the very last ray Just to do it again Taking my eyes and filling them Pitchers full of awe and delighted shock Because holy hell You are the most beautiful thing That my eyes have ever been graced with And its terrifyingly terrific Because every time the sun sets You always change Thank you For unlocking the door to my sealed memories Happy ones Lost ones Ones where if I thought about it before I wouldn't see the shade of happiness Or taste the laughter I'd just watch the sadness Slide comfortably over my heart I'm glad that you were the one to steal it And my last breath I'm grateful that you were the last thing I saw Before I laid that old side down on a bed Weaved and sown out of regrets and scars Draped in sadness and anxiety A grave fit for me Thank you