old letters postcards color slides entries in diaries drafts of letters maybe never sent fill boxes after boxes after boxes left to me by my parents and their ancestors
going through them I sort out letters documents certificates prayer books with scribbles on the margins school grades awards old birthday wishes
of all the photographs I only keep the ones on which I recognize the faces those of the strangers I have never known and never will I ditch together with the many color slides of mountains I have never climbed and never will and of my parents friends whom I don‘t know and never will with whom they somewhere spent good times
all these were part of my dear parents universe
in my world they mean nothing have no significance beyond allowing me to glimpse selected moments of the lives of those who‘ve come before me and have gone disappearing quietly into the mists of history
leaving blurred views as through a frosted window about their pleasures loves anxieties catastrophies and tragedies
enough to tease imagination too pale for certainties