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Jul 2018
Another year gone by
This would've been our ninth
But you left this world before our third
I still remember our wedding day
My dress, your tux, our vows
Vows, til death do us part
You chose death and our fairytale ended
Ripped from the storybook
Crumpled and discarded
Me left alone with only memories of you
This day I remember our wedding
But another anniversary has overshadowed this one
That is the one of your death
A day so burned on my soul that I still smell the singed remnants of our future lost
Today on what would've been, what could've been
I imagine and I dream of things that will never come to be
Happy lonely anniversary to me
Leisa Battaglia
Written by
Leisa Battaglia  44/F/Louisiana
     B Elizabeth G, ---, Aslam M, ---, Lily and 3 others
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