Ungreased wheels on my chair, No one to push,no one to pull, Rolling, struggling to get out of the room A room with no light and no direction.
A room with no floors, Only heavy rains seeping into the ground Fighting to pull the wheels, another round, Stuck in the clingy clay swamps
No sounds, but the beating of the heart. Deafening, piercing the drums with screams. Thousands upon thousands of voices Taunting and teasing but no one in sight
Oddity of friends gather round. Droplets of blood running down the arm Each gaining it's own name. Razors become an invite to friendship
A bug in the corner, a man that doesnt exist. Friends long sense gone And notes left to yourself. Become a ray of hope, but nothing more.
Mornings light mocks the soul A reminder that no one is here. Courage and cowardice go hand in hand As the blade sends the rsvp