Trace the stars with your fingernail and tell me you don't see her face Let five seconds pass and you could swear you almost feel her embrace Oh little wonder of wonders how I wonder how you are Whispering into your starlit ear that I pray you don't venture far 'Cause pardon me for still dreaming, but miracles are very much alive And that's just what it would take for me to catch your twinkling eye As I sit here on solid ground and the grass that's not so green I crane my vision up and could swear your image winks at me And I believe
See comets collide in natural fireworks that outdo the attempts of man Try to comprehend the universe and realize it takes more than one lifespan Then take it all and put it in the wonder that is this simply wonder-full girl Feel your heart rush up to your neck and your pace stop as she reconfigures your world Hear the cymbals chime each and every time those crazy comets choose to crash Marvel at the millions of natures home-cooked mysteries in a single eyelash Don't get too overwhelmed by the waves of passion that engulf you each time she passes Just pop the cork, let the cool champagne run, and make sure there are no empty glasses And know I believe