I need to heal For real this time Not with a smart mouth And a friendship With flirtatious banter No that never helped me How do you heal When his best friend is desperately in love with you And acts as your best friend And leaves you a few months later Because he rushed into this And he realizes now you were never ready But you told him that You told him that the twenty times he begged you to be his girlfriend Does no one understand I was so tired So tired of the begging It became so much I caved And then it all happened so fast It's all a blur really My heart was never in it He was my best friend *** felt weird Everything felt wrong I guess the hormones were there But it felt wrong I'm so insecure I was never ready And now he's gone Because of my insecurities He promised he'd never leave He was so in love with me How does that just change How So quickly Now I'm broken Broken by my savior Broken by everything How do I heal now How Someone tell me please I need answers That's all Please How do I heal? How do I be my own hero?