Broken, Is her spirit, Her wings Are without feathers...
For decades she sat On a brittle thorny perch Bound by rope And heavily chained Tethers.
Every step, She was walking on eggshells... For, she was doomed By the evil, selfish and wicked At heart.
Not in the name of love, But for fulfilment Of cruel, greedy obsessions - For such selfishness Her soul was torn, Tainted and pulled apart.
She once flew As high as the heavens, Now, A stranger, She is to herself.
Her cage is now left open, It is, but for her fears, That she remains perched Like an old book on a dusty shelf.
Mentally, she still flys To the highest of heights And dives deep, inward, Into her own psychological abyss ... But sometimes she finds her internal universes to be too draining, Making such journeys Mentally and physically Too hard.
She is no longer In restraining tethers... But scarred.