Left for Goa with some trepidation, Consoled Wifi and Boss that, will resume service with renewed vigour after 17.
On to the Re-Union.
It's been some time since have met those guys, and there are few girls too.. Some of them I knew Some were acquaintances..
On to the Re-Union.
Did not know what we would do, just a few rounds of drinks, and old memories rekindled , was all I expected.
Yeah... On to the Re-Union.
Arrived a day late and on to the contrary, the excitement palpitated through my rather smart phone of the party already, started. Instant messages throwing images of bonhomie and ribaldry..
Ahaa its the Re-Union.
On seeing me the gang was excited as I was tha long lost shipmate, arriving from the dead.. The look of them, older and curvier, with edges given way to gentle roundels. Ample greys and ample tummies. Eyes crinkled with Laughing lines, foreheads furrowed with long worries..
Tis what happens at a Re-Union.
Love just overflowed, as did the beeya, we danced away like tiny teens, each hug an acknowledgement from another battered old soul, of recognition, that I am you and you are me, not different from each otha.
That I have survived and will thrive, and will not let go now...... that I have found you...