i keep looking for creativity in the mountains i drive through & the skies above me but i'm starting to realize it comes more from within.
i'm hoping to write more poetry this summer, every year i live i want to have written more & more
this will be painful, each sentence a bee-sting. it means opening up & digging down deep to my roots and farther beneath.
to throw a rope-ladder into my soul and excavate every chasm that makes me who i am. unzip my skin to let my bones show, carved into my ribcage, 'this is me. this is happiness, hurt pain anxiety love. ' a mess of emotions crowded into the same small room.
these are my back roads, my alleys that lead to the backyard of my mentality.
words are a form of transportation. leading down streets of confusion and pain that bring me to your doorstep. i always end up here, your arms, my home.