No inspiration for another entry but my talent itches to create so I look in various places hoping to get back to my creative space Whether it’s thru social media or from a line in a song I listen to the words being spoken as my thought process follows along A Poet’s Blues? That’s something you may never be able to relate to Just the need of wanting to write but nothing exactly to inspire you It’s like facing a roadblock but there’s no detours insight to get around it you’re just traveling thru it & facing the horrified soundtrack around it Could you easily find your inspiration when you’ve written over 400+ entries wanting to keep writing but your drive & motivation feels empty Not sure if you wanna write about your life, to a song, or just something to keep your mind running even if the poem’s about nothing My Poetry Blues, falls in place when I get the desire to write based on what I see coming from the soundtrack of someone’s life but it relates to me I just sit there in my living room with my pen falling asleep on the paper wishing for an idea to come my way thru my mental creator A Poet’s Blues? Imagine having your mind freeze & you’re just standing there frozen in time & frustrated with nothing to say as you pull out your hair When it’s all said & done, you’ll probably never understand the anger or a talent’s snooze cause at the end of the day, no one really cares about a Poet’s Blues