I want them to read a story, A story about something they've never heard before It'll say " Once upon a time " ... And they'll hear the piano's sing and the cuckoos dance, They'll read it out loud Spell every line on their fingertips Every word will hold meaning Even spaces in between will convey my messages. It is not a fairytale I want them to read, But rather a story they'll be forever lost inside. The pages will turn but the pages won't end, They'll cry, they'll laugh, For every sentence will have my emotions carved. They'll make paintings in their head of how colourful life seemed, It will be the most bewitching canvas the world would see, Then I'll leave a few pages for them to imagine the story now... For my story will never end and my love will never die, When they'll close the book they'll realise where the purest love hides. This time " forever " will mean it, And it will " always " be remembered. As it will be my love story , Even if as tragedy, but our names will be together And it will be remembered as the cards of destiny.