The backbone of America is broken But that doesn't keep her from finger pointing In her judgment and her blaming And all her self-righteous shaming
America once stood strong and tall Clearly hands above them all Too much pride can lead to shame Tossing humbleness in the grave
America is walking with a limp Tripping on the dark secrets she has kept But all secrets eventually come to light Have we all signed on Satan's dotted line
Has America lost her sight Now that we find her justice blind Finders keep and losers weep Have we lost all humanity
America needs her mouth washed out with soap From the words that she lets go With much to do about nothing She really thinks she's on to something
Can America get back on her feet I believe that's up to you and me Put a love brace on all that's broken And stop with all the finger-pointing
This isn't about our Government... We all know how messed up that is! This is about us as a people... We need to come together and stop all this bickering