“Dare to dream,” they scream,
unyielding benefits wasted on the sleeve of a man born blind.
Expecting me to “watch my step” and “watch my words,”
if I look back on history and shout at you, your back turned, do my words go unheard?
Pieces of us washed away by the ever-changing tide,
**** it up, pull me under engrossed in a fight that I refuse to find.
The end. Peace exists at the end of a swollen sword,
rupture and rapture, forget faith and materialize a new lord.
Chaos caters to the unprepared, logic and reason left for the scared.
There’s a place in my heart, but no....not for you,
it’s empty, filled with grief, a void of emotion that’s surely due.
A year. Not quite 400 days but more than enough time to reflect,
a decision lay in your hands, no second guessing, no regret.
One squeeze from me, stone like, love poured out, a hugger,
one squeeze from you, dreams released, the spray of a trigger.
Stripes and claws, angry morning as you pet another maw,
I type and mention empty things, you plan your escape from life’s fraud,
A symbol carved into the heart of a tree, I don’t agree with how you chose to be free,
but life clapped its hands, with an authoritarian applaud.