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May 2018
I asked him what happened
He was just silent
He gave a me shrug
He was still.

Perhaps I didn’t deserve an explanation
He doesn’t have one
Couldn’t make one
Or can’t put it into words.

Though he stares blankly
The pain resembles in his face
It’s not the kind of pain that perishes after a good sleep
Nor the one that goes away after having a good time.

It’s one that is deeply rooted
Right into the core of his being
Consuming him
Almost taking over.

Only time will tell
Of whether this pain will ever be healed
I pray that he does not wither
And will never let go of his will to survive, to live, to love, to be free.

May he overcome the storms gracefully
May he see sunrise after these long dark days
May he recover the happiness he has long forgotten
May he feel unconditional love once again.
Miyuki Marie
Written by
Miyuki Marie
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