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May 2018
I cannot describe just how It feels
Heading outward on my wheels
Delìvering parcels everywhere
Traveling along without a care.

I start my day up on the wood
That's were I live it feels so good
Before I turn on the ignition key
First things first its a cup of tea.

Then I am off to my very first stop
A road in shard end a floristry shop
Then I drive to another place
A corner house on a council estate.

Then I move on to Bordesley green
Memory lane if you know what I mean
What I see is the life I once knew
The friends I had yes I had a few.

Time it comes for a morning snack
A cholesterol unfriendly bacon bap
I swill it down with a mug of tea
And back on the road and feeling free.

I love my job driving this van
Done it for years I'm a delivery man
I move along to any piont anywhere
Just give me a call and I'll be there.

I travel east and travel  west
I'm your delivery man doing my best
Driving vans is all that I've known
And Birmingham city is my Home.

So when I finish and my day is done
Back to the wood I've completed my run
The van is safely tooked away
I'll be back again same time next day.
I was talking to a driver he told me how much he enjoyed driving
He lived in  four parts of Birmingham during his life time
And every day he passed were he used to live.So to him they were his memories.
Christopher Victor Russon
Written by
Christopher Victor Russon  Birmingham
         Reena Sharma, Khoisan, luci, Suzy, Fallert and 24 others
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