why do you torment me when I'm feeling the most satisfactory I'm feeling like i can touch the sky with my hands that i am creating this rainbow of potential with massive colors floating through the air to match my soul you show up and shatter everything
the rainbow that I created isn't an actual rainbow it isn't all the flurries in the sky like i imagined but it is a picture a very very fragile picture that you can shatter so easily
all it takes is a glimpse of your face a note of your voice your breathe near me all it takes is a thought of you and my rainbow shatters it shatters into pieces that become so small that you can never gather all of them so when i repaint my rainbow in the sky my massive colors flowing, abounding with potential there are always pieces missing and each time you shatter it there are more pieces missing
maybe i need to stop making rainbows maybe i need to create something else i need to take all the pieces that i keep having to recollect after every single time you shatter them the tiny itty bitty pieces that represent who i am and who i want to be who i was
i must create a new picture i must create something new and exciting and bold that recaptures who i am
maybe i should make a glittering sea i should take my pieces and mold them together like mounds of clay pushing pushing pulling pushing pushing pulling molding creating
an ocean i want to create an ocean glittering bright it will be made so you can see the rushing waters it is so real that the picture seems to be moving up, down the waves so smooth but when you get closer they become harsher they become more frantic more chaotic but it is a beautiful chaotic
that is who i am i am beautifully chaotic
i can transform in the blink of an eye from that nice girl who's a good friend who you can trust completely into something more something more than the nice girl something more than who i was
because i will no longer be the nice girl i will no longer be deemed as someone who's just a good friend someone who's just nice just pretty just there standing in the background
I will have my own spotlight that's right
I will become selfish i will become maniacal i will become manipulative
but i will do anything it takes to protect my picture