with everything i've been through i know i deserve consolation i deserve a feast and a party
and i deserve to yell
to yell out my anguish and to yell at your face to yell in delight and to yell out my hate
i can't seem to yell i can't feel it'd do me justice if i let my heart out because the world ***** and sometimes i do too but my heart is something that wont ever let me down and letting anyone see it would be unfair unfair for me and unfair for my heart
so i let my heart out when im out for a swim i wear it as a crown and i let it gleam and when im submerged, underwater, in a dream i'll let out my watered down scream
and with that my heart can be free it can yell and shout and breathe cause my heart sounds untamed and demented and deranged and the water helps it grasp its own sanity