my body wasn't here. i knew what it meant when people said that the body and soul are two different things. i felt the energy leave my fingertips. my bed didn't feel like my bed and by the time i knew it, i was rocking back and forth, swaying side to side. i knew what it felt like to be at peace, for that hour i spend forgetting at cleansing, i felt whole by myself. i could see myself entering an aquarium. tunnel like, i walked through it, touching the glass. pink tinted, i looked above me and to my left and right. there were only koi fish. their colors of red and eggshell white, swam above me. i was here and there at the same time. i felt everything leaving through my fingertips, all the bad and ugly. i felt the light of something grow inside me and felt the warmth it gave off. for this hour, i felt saved.