I birthed one flower just one and I was so proud I wore it everyday in sun and in cloud like my crowned jewel it lay.
you saw it one day. loved it and promised to stay. I warned you that flower is the only part of me I can display without any shame due.
you refused to listen to reality thought beauty to be internal and steady never understood the meaning of 'ready'
so I wasn't surprised when you said you didn't know what to do when that flower died. I had nothing but ugly emptiness to show
as expected, you left. thought my flower to be my craft. I just laughed silently inside only if you were the one to decide!
seasons pass by one by one sizzling summer, restless rain wasteful winter. my wait was fun. another spring, another flower better, brighter, bigger. another youth just like you got attracted as usual- not to me, to my flower. compared to you, she is prettier.